Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Cantering through some sunbeams.

Time: 7 P.M.
Weather: Warm/hot.
Saville’s mood: Kind of grumpy. He tested me a lot today.
My mood: Pretty happy.
Tack: Same as usual. I used my bendy stirrups.

Today was nothing extraordinary but it was a pretty good ride. I worked on my flatwork again for the show this coming weekend. Saville was spooky this afternoon because of the time we rode. The arena is bordered on two sides by trees, and at seven the shadows lengthen and the woodland creatures begin to stir. If we ride near the trees at this time of day Saville sometimes gets anxious.
Our walk/trot was pretty good today, except Saville wanted to pull the reins from my hands.  At the canter, all we worked on was the left lead, which is his weakest. It took him many, many, tries to pick it up correctly, but he finally did for a lap.

I’ve been working on my equitation as much as possible. It’s getting better. At the canter I had a pretty good half seat, but I’m still trying to figure out my three-point seat. I just have to remember to relax my ankles to my stirrups don’t bounce off!

So overall, what I need to work on and/or fix is:

Saville’s left lead: He needs to learn to pick it up correctly more quickly.
My full seat: I need to practice it.

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